Ethical Layering: Elevate Your Style with Sustainable Fashion

Ethical Layering: Elevate Your Style with Sustainable Fashion

Whilst we continue to battle through this chilly weather, it's time to layer up and stay warm in style. But why not make your wardrobe not only cozy but also eco-friendly? In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of ethical layering and how you can elevate your style with sustainable fashion choices from Rewound Clothing.

Why Ethical Layering Matters

Ethical layering isn't just about staying warm; it's about making mindful choices that have a positive impact on the planet. By opting for sustainable fashion pieces, you're not only reducing your environmental footprint but also supporting ethical practices in the fashion industry.

The Art of Layering

Layering is essential for cold weather style, providing both warmth and versatility. Start with a solid foundation—a sustainable base layer made from recycled fabric or natural fibres. Our range of sustainable shirts for him offers the perfect starting point, with options crafted from 100% recycled materials or premium natural fibres like hemp and lyocell.

Styling Sustainable Pieces

Now that you have your base layer sorted, it's time to add some stylish sustainable layers. Our recycled overshirts are a versatile addition to any winter wardrobe, offering warmth and style without compromising on sustainability. Layer them over a basic tee for a casual look or dress them up with a button-down shirt for a more polished ensemble.

The Benefits of Sustainable Materials

When it comes to ethical layering, the choice of materials matters. Opting for recycled or natural fibre materials not only reduces waste but also minimizes the environmental impact of your clothing. Our recycled fabric overshirts, for example, boast the same quality and durability as traditional fabrics but with a 19% lower carbon footprint.

Creating Your Eco-Conscious Winter Look

Start by mixing and matching sustainable pieces to create your eco-conscious look. Pair our recycled shirts with our overshirts for added warmth and style, plus, we've already accessorized them with eco-friendly options like biodegradable corozo buttons.


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